Fighting For A Piece Of The Pie (Workshop)

Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash
Business Workshop SeriesLearn how mindset affects how we see opportunity.

September 12, 2019
5:30 -6:30 pm
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Valley Venture Mentors
First Floor Conference Room

276 Bridge St, Springfield, MA 01103

Do you need to attract investors, clients, or other engagement to your business? Is there just not enough—money, interest, people? Right now you’re wasting time and missing opportunities you don’t even know were there, and it’s not your fault. Our brains have hidden biases that work against us. And worse, our negativity is contagious.  But this doesn’t have to be the case. We can learn to recognize how we’re undermining ourselves and our organizations. There are tools, frameworks, and resources we can use to spot red flags, and respond to them, making our businesses stronger and more attractive. This workshop will include hacks, skills, and resources to start improving immediately. The state of the workforce is dire. The most recent Gallup poll on working life found that 77% of workers are unengaged and 16% are completely miserable. More than half are actively looking for another job, and it’s the truth that employees quit because of management, not because the work. Most managers have no leadership training. Retaining and attracting talented employees is a competitive edge. Creating a high-quality company culture from the top-down is the secret to a sustainable, purposeful workforce.  

Janet McKenna Lowry has been an adult educator for twenty years. She has worked with several hundred schools, circuses, and theaters, and has a masters degree from Trinity College Dublin, concentrating on business leadership. Her company, 9 to Thrive, is dedicated to creating a world where the workplace doesn’t suck.  9 to Thrive provides group and individual training to help organizations increase resilience through innovative relational tools and frameworks.


